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Full text of 'ARCHIVE COLLECTIONRANDALL LIBRARY^':tcx?' ^^^.^Digitized by the Internet Archivein 2011 with funding fromLYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan FoundationJ OUfKAAR C!i 1 V T ST/RcFrR^KCE LI 3R AR I AN^^^?.^IQUE^^00'University AdvancementVol. 1 July 13, 2000Phillip Brown, editorAnnouncementsTidal Creek ProjectWins Planning AwardTTie New Hanover County TidalCreeks Water Quality EnhancementProject received the Large CommunityComprehensive Plannmg Award fromthe North Carolina chapter of theAmencan Planning Association. Theaward recognized the implementation ofa program of water quality enhancementstrategies which are a collaborationbetween New Hanover County,UNCW's Center for Manne Science andthe Northeast New Hanover Conser-vancy.Common Reading ProgramThe UNCW Leadership Center andthe English Department are sponsoring acommon reading program for the fall2000 semester. Faculty and staff areencouraged to use the works of JonathanKozol in classes, seminars and activities.Kozol will present 'Ordinar' Resurrec-tions' at 7 p.m. 19 in KenanAuditorium. His works include Death atan Early Age and Savage Inequalities.Ballroom DanceA beginning ballroom dance class,taught by Verna Jordan, will be offeredfrom 6:45 to 7:45 p.m.
Sundays, Aug.6. Through Sept. For cost or registra-tion information, call the Division forPublic Service and Extended Educationatext. 3195.E-mail ChangeTo e-mail Dinah Allen, humanresources, use the address allendinah.Let's ReadRebecca Lee, creative writing, is aguest on Let 's Read.' UNCW & Youairing at 7 p.m.
July 13, 20 and 27 onTLN, Time Warner Cable Channel 5.Lee, along with Betty Ann Sanders,program host; Nicky Leone, manager ofBristol Books; Debbie Pratt, manager ofBarnes and Nobles Booksellers; andMark Schreiner, education reporter forthe Wilmington Star-News, discuss theirtop 10 summer reading selections.Organizational MeetingThe Coastal Carolina Holistic Nurses'Network will hold an organizationalmeeting from 7 to 9 p.m. July 24 at NewHorizons Holistic Education Center, 108N. Kerr Avenue, Suite F-1.
For informa-tion, call Etta Breit at ext. 3476.In MemorialNathaniel Purdy, Jr.UNCW and the physical plantsuffered a great loss with the deathof Nathaniel Purdy, Jr. Sincejoining the university in July 1987,Purdy made a great impression onhis staff, co-workers and theuniversity community. He wasalways a positive addition to theworkplace as well as his church andcommunity.
The Purdy family hasexpressed their gratefulness at thesupport and understanding given tothem during this time of sorrow.Purdy was a canng and lovingperson, and those who knew himlearned from their experiences withhim. He will be greatly missed.CPA Review CourseThe Becker Conviser CPA Reviewcourse will be conducted from 6 to 10p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays andThursdays, Aug. 14 through Oct. 25 inCameron Hall, Room 212. The course,offered through the Division for PublicService and Extended Education and theDepartment of Accountancy andBusiness Law, is designed for candi-dates preparing to take the November2000 Uniform CPA Examination. Formore information, call 1-800-316-3119or contact Richard Roscher, accoun-tancy, at ext.
3507.Men's Basketball CampThe UNCW Men's BasketballProgram will sponsor a summer daycamp for boys age eight through risingseniors July 17-21. For more informa-tion, contact Carol Stevens at ext. 3045.Women's Basketball CampThe UNCW Women's BasketballProgram will sponsor a day camp forgirls ages seven to 13 Aug.
The costfor daughters of faculty and staff is$135. For a registration brochure ormore information, contact Elizabeth Leeatext. 3418.Concert on the CommonsNick Panos will perform from 1 1:30a.m. July 18 on the CampusCommons as part of the Concert on theCommons series sponsored by theActivities and Leadership Center. Freerefreshments will be provided.p.fcNDM-^UBR^R^mG^UNCWCampus Communique 1Official NoticesWork-study ReminderDepartments should list work-studyand work assistant positions for the fallsemester with career services as soon aspossible.
Direct questions to FrancesCarrat ext. 3174.Regalia RentalFaculty who need to rent regalia forconvocation Aug. 15 should contact thebookstore by Aug. For more mforma-tion, call ext.
4021.BOT MeetingsThe quarterly committee meetings ofthe UNCW Board of Trustees will beheld at 1 and 3:30 p.m. July 20 at theSheraton Grand Hotel in New Bern. Thefull board will meet at 8:30 a.m. July 21in the hotel's Pamlico Room.Grant Proposals SoughtThe Information Technology SystemsDivision is accepting grant proposals forinnovative uses of information technol-ogy. Applications are due by Sept.
1.For more information, contact KimKelly or visit the Web sitewww.uncwil.edu/itsd/itrfp.html.Staff TrainingAccess, 10 a.m. To noon July 24 or 2to 4 p.m.
July 25.Microsoft Excel, 2 to 4 p.m. July 26.Microsoft Word Mail Merge, 2 to4 p.m.
July 24.Pagemaker 6.5, 10 a.m.