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Fallout 4 Console Modding Guide. What mods should I get for Fo3? What mods should I get for FNV? What mods should I get for Fo4? Our AutoModerator User Functions. FO4 HELP Trying to change Nanosuit using Bodyslide. Fallout 4 (self.FalloutMods) submitted 2 years ago by ATacoStand.
Modder ‘salomaogh’ has released a brand new version of his Crysis Nanosuit mod for Fallout New Vegas. As its title suggests, this mod brings the Crytek Nanosuit Systems 1, 2 and 3 to Fallout New Vegas.The Crysis Nanousit mod features a Primary and a Secondary Menu, and supports all of the functionalities of the nanosuit. As such, players can cloak, run faster, jump higher and punch their enemies.Here are the features and the default keys for the Crysis Nanosuit mod. Primary Menu: X (Hold). Secondary Menu: Tap the Primary Menu hotkey and then hold it. Power Jump: L-Alt – (Double Tap). Sprint: Left Shift – (Tap and hold it).
Tactical Visor Zoom: M (Hold).