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Computerized Desi Music LessonsThis website is providing only intangible electronic digitalproducts and services. Free harmonium and keyboard lesson are availablein pdf which can be opened with adobe acrobat reader. Keyboard Or PianoKeyboard offers a wide varietyof instrumental sounds, in addition to the basic piano sound. Even fairlyinexpensive ones usually also offer preprogrammed rhythms or styles and'auto-chord' accompaniment, which provides a harmonic background against whichyou can play a melody. Higher end keyboards have touch sensitivity, allowing youto vary your volume by how hard you strike a key, and midi capacity, which letsyou connect your keyboard to your computer to use -writing and practicewith software.The instrumental sound you choose iscalled a voice. Before you play a song, choose a voice that you like. Practiceselecting different voices, and remember the setting for the ones you prefer.Look your keyboard owner's manual to help you.

This synth is based on samples of real 19th century Harmonium that i`ve sampled one day in center of Moscow. It has very warm and realistic sound. Thanks Harmonium owner Vitaly Kataev. This synth is 3 semitones lower than it must be.

When you play the songs you canuse any sound you wish. The rhythm controls provide drumbeats to playalong with.The drum rhythms can be changed tosuit the kind of song you are playing. Moreover you will find Yamaha tabla styles likekehrva, dadra, teentaal, rupak and jhaptaal in our website.

If you have akeyboard equipped with floppy drive or USB then you may copy these stylesin your keyboard user memory to play along music. Melody keys are used toplay the tune of the song with your right hand. The chord keys are used to playchords with your left hand. This makes the song sound full and beautifulwith harmonic voice. If youdo not know how to play chords then you may use auto chord along with themelody. A MIDI keyboard is a piano-styledigital keyboard device used for sending MIDI signals or commands to otherdevices (computer) connected to the same interface as the keyboard. MIDI is an acronym formusical instrument digital Interface (protocol).

The basic MIDI keyboard doesnot produce sound. Instead, MIDI information is sent to an electronic modulecapable of reproducing an array of digital sounds or samples that resembletraditional analog musical instruments.

These samples are also referred asvoices. An encoding scheme is used to map a MIDI value to a specific instrumentsample. For more detail click our keyboard lessons link above. The data composed via the sequenced MIDI recordings can be savedas a Standard MIDI File (SMF). MIDI data files are much smaller than recordedaudio files.Keeping Nisar Bazmi's Legacy AliveNisar Bazmi brought a new flavor into the world of music. His tunesmainly had urban touch to them. He also gave many new singers to the industrylike RunaLaila, Naheed Akhtar, Mehnaz and Alamgir. The duo of composersLaxmikant-Pyarelal were his assistants in India before the independence.However, he is primarily remembered for his compositions in the voice ofplayback singer Ahmed Rushdi.

Bazmi composed music for film 'Jamana Paar', inIndia in the year 1946. After partition Nisar Bazmi migrated to Lahore.Keyboard VS. PianoKeyboard is an electric version of the piano.

Thesounds from a piano are made by the mechanical action of the keys hittingmallets (hammer) on strings. In other words we can say a keyboard is electronicinstrument whereas apiano is a percussion instrument meaning it makes it's sound by being struck.Pianos are referred to as an acoustic mechanical instrument which produces itsown unique sound. Keyboards usually refer to electronic instrumentation withvarious digital voices,however the keys are laid out the same as the piano.Even a high quality keyboard isn't a substitutefor the sound of a good piano, but it's an affordable way to get started playingwith keyboard, and has the advantage of portability.

If you're consideringbuying a keyboard, we would suggest going for one with full size 61 keys, as opposedto the 'miniature' options out there. You don't have to have the full 88-keyrange of the keyboard but 61 key keyboard is better selection. It isimportant that the keys themselves should be the same size as piano keys. YamahaPSR S-970 keyboard have Mic/Guitar input for use when singing or collaboratingwith other performers.How can we find chords in Indian songsWhen any beginner start playing the keyboard, hehave absolutely no clue about chords. Beginners used to wonder how do peopleplay using both their hands. Go to chords section of ourwebsite and it will yield good results.

When musicians play three or moredifferent notes at the same time, this creates a chord. An example of a majorchord is the three pitches C, E and G. An example of a minor chord is the threepitches A, C and E.The notes of the C major chord correspond to Sa, Ga and Pa of the ragashankarabharanam.

Shankarabaranam is a 2015 Indian Telugu-language crime comedyfilm written by Kona Venkat and the directorial debut of Uday Nandanavanam. Itis produced by MVV Sathyanarayana under the Banner MVV Cinema. The music iscomposed by Praveen Lakkaraju and cinematography is by Richard Prasad and thefilm editing by A. Sreekar Prasad.

Gta sa ultimate editor. The film was a remake of 2010 Hindi film PhasGaye Re Obama.If you have a phrase that emphasizes on the Sa, c major chordis an obvious choice. But since Ga and Pa are also present in the C major chord,you can try the C major chord over melody lines which emphasizes the Ga or Patoo.

In any given keyor scale you can play in, there are primary chords. They are like family membersof that particular key. In any given scale in Indian keyboard or desi keyboard,there are 3 'family members' that are residents of that key, these are the(I) chord, the (IV) chord, and the (V) chord. They are far the most likelychords to occur in any given key. For example, if I am playing in the Key orscale of C, and the first chord is the C chord and I have to guess what the nextchord is, I would guess that it would be either the F chord or the G chord.

Why?Because those are the other 'family members'. To see all family members of allkeys and to find other family members visit Indian chordssection in our website.Indian keyboards or desi keyboards terms are only used to show that we aredealing with Indian music e.g. In Indian music systemwe still can use western chords with melody.Video Keyboard lessons for IndiansKeyboard LessonIf you' re looking forkeyboard lessons of Indian music, whether you're a beginnerlooking to learn keyboard for the first time or a more advanced playerlooking to broaden his skills, our easy keyboard lessons e-Book is thelogical choice.

It all starts with a easy to learn lessons with diagramsand keyboard notes. The Introduction to keyboard include basic chord andscale lessons for the beginners. This eBook covers all the basics of playing - includingproper technique, hand and body positions, scales and chordsconstruction in songs.Learn to play an octave: An octave is eight notesin a group. From note C to C is eight notes or an octave.

They are C, D, E,F, G, A, B, and C for a C scale. You will learn other scales graduallywhile playing. Teach yourself how to play Indian songs in keyboards withthe help of eBook ID-5566 and 300 songs notation eBook ID-1000. Youlearn faster with the help of notes and diagrams.About HarmoniumHarmonium or Reed Organ is a keyboardinstrument similar to a pipe organ. Harmonium consists of reeds and sound isproduced by air being pushed or sucked over reeds resulting in a sound similarto that of an accordion. The sound from a harmonium is identical as the sound ofa accordion and belongs to the accordion family. In accordion or harmoniumstream of air is pumped through a reed. The reeds are a series of thin brasstongue set into the opening of a heavier brass base.

Each base is roughly 1/4inch by 2 inches. There must be a minimum of one reed per key while two or threeare the most common. The thin tongue vibrates when air passes through theopening. Small thin reeds have a higher pitch than wider longer thicker reeds.Coupler is a mechanical feature of a harmonium,which allows double key function. It automatically presses the corresponding keyof the next octave when any key is pressed. The result is that playing one keyengages two reeds simultaneously.

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This arrangement produces a much richer soundthan an uncoupled keyboard. The coupler may be engaged or disengaged by the userwith knobs attached to the harmonium. There is one advanced kind of harmoniumwhich is called scale changer harmonium. This is an elaborate mechanicalarrangement whereby the entire keyboard may be shifted up or down. The keys areconnected with cloth tape allowing them to be slide up or down the scale fromnote to note. One can easily change the key of a al piece by sliding thekeyboard, rather than learning a new fingering technique. The best fingeringtechnique is to start learning harmonium from first black key or first whitekey.

To play harmonium first black key is recommended. In advance stage you can also learn to play harmonium from any key.

Inscale changer harmonium you need not to learn to start playing from other keys.Note that a precaution should be taken while buying scale-changing harmonium, asthe failure rate is very high rather deplorable!However, harmonium is also a keyboard, and so these lessons apply equally to theharmonium as well as to the electronic synthesizer keyboard/piano. The importantdifference between keyboard and harmonium is that you can - and do play the keyswith your left hand also; but for harmonium, your left hand is used in pumpingthe bellow to force air under pressure into the inside of the harmonium. Inkeyboard our left hand is used for chords. An ordinary keyboard is sufficient tomaster all the lessons that will follow.


If you already have a keyboard, you donot need to buy anything else as of now. For solo performances, you may use asynthesizer keyboard or a harmonium, depending upon your taste, convenience andavailability. Harmonium traditionally suits better for accompaniment duringperformance of ghazals, geet, thumri etc. For more detailvisit our harmonium lessons.Sargam LessonsNatural notes (pure or major) arecalled shudh notes which are shown as S, R, G, m, P, D, N. The notes, or swars,are Shadj, Rekhab, Gandhar, Madhyam, Pancham, Dhaivat and Nikhad.

When singingthese become Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, and sargam stands for 'Sa-Re-Ga-Ma'.Only these syllables are sung, and further designations are never vocalized.When writing these become, S, R, G, m, P, D, N. A sign of apostrophe on theright side of a letter (S') indicates the octave higher, a sign of apostrophe onthe left side of a letter ('S) indicates the octave lower. Re, Ga, Dha, and Nimay be either tiver or komal; Ma may be either shudh or tivar and is then calledtiver Ma.

Sa and Pa are immovable (once Sa is selected),Don't think there is anything that you can practice that will have as much animpact on your playing as sargam. Take the sargam challenge. Play the sargamevery night for one month and then re-assess your playing skills afterward. Withsargam practice anyone will be able to play songs without notations help.In other words Sargam is the collection of notes or the swar of the scale.It has been mentioned earlier how notes of the sargam relate to the westernscale. Practicing to play sargam is bit like weight training. Basicrules of weight training are to start with simple exercises with lightweights.As you get comfortable with lightweights, you increase repetitions or increasethe weight you are lifting. You also focus on muscle group you work on.

You goto heavier and more complex exercises after you feel comfortable with the basicexercises. When we say sargam, we don't just mean a scale of notes but it meansthe act of playing the sargam. Playing the sargam is the single most importantthing you can do when you are learning harmonium or keyboard. When beginning tolearn harmonium, the teachers should not stress the playing of the sargam toomuch or enforce it. After all, there is nothing joyous about playing one noteafter the other in succession, over and over again.

Getting students into sargamis a challenge.Sargam fixes everything. If your right hand is not strong enough, sargam fixesthat. If you are not confident in class, sargam fixes that. If you don't knowwhere the notes are at the beginning, or how to sit properly for long periods oftime or need discipline or you are trying to increase your speed or clarity ortiming or rhythm, sargam fixes all. Sargam needs great practice, but it doesn'thave to be boring. Nothing is more boring than playing the same notes over andover again, so spice up your sargam with some of the variations.

This will soundlike you are actually playing something else.There are various books written on harmonium or keyboard but no suitable book isavailable on basics. These books were for advance learning and lessons weredifficult to follow. Our of sargam ID-4466 is the first effort to produce sargamlessons in easy and with simplified exercises. With these lessons you will beable to play and sing-along with your harmonium or keyboard. All the exercisesare produced with simple diagrams and notations.

Thanks to great composer Nisar Bazmi sahib and all those colleagueswho cooperated with us in compiling these fundamental lessons.For more detail visit our sargam section.Ten ThaatHarmonium Sargam LessonsThere are twelve scales inwestern keyboard system and ten thaat in harmonium system. Learn singing whileplaying harmonium with ten thaat. Most harmonium studentsdo not have correct approach learning harmonium and in the end they can onlyplay harmonium but cannot sing-along their harmonium notes.

We haveprepared lessons of ten thaat individually with three types of sargam exercises. By purchasing e-Book ID-3366 or ID-4466 followingmaterial will be provided free:1. Bollywoodsongs notation e-Book ID-2000Ustad Saleem ShahzaadTo visit ourfree demo video lesson on Thaat & Raga click the following link:Lakshan GeetLakshan geet is a raaga geet and its versesshow the mood and the details of a particular raga properties. It also teaches theway of singing a raga and completely show the picture of the raga.

Lakshan geetis probably the most typical fixed composition used for vocal instruction. Thisis a style of singing where the lyrics of the song actually describe thefeatures of the raga.If the lakshan geet is memorized, one will never forget the raga and itsproperties throughout ones life. Whenever the raga is heard the words keepcoming back. In our lakshan geet tutorial asavari lakshan geet issung in a beautiful style by Iqbal Yousuf Ramzi who is a ghazal geet singer.This lakshan geet will show what is real mood and properties of raga asavari and youwill be able to play asavari songs in a better way shortly after listeninglakshan geet.AlaapThe word alaap means a dialog or conversation.Alaap is a dialog between the musician and the raga. The purpose of including an alaap in a composition is for the singer to set the scene for the compositionitself.

In order to tell a story emotionally, the storyteller is required to setthe scene for the listener. The alaap prepares the listener to receive theemotions from the singer. Suspense is also being built up through the alaap forthe listener.In other words, alaap is the beginning part of the raga, starts with the key noteof the mode it uses, that is “Sa”, both in the instrumental and vocal pieces.The tempo at the beginning is usually slow in order to show the scale and thekey structure of the melody. There is no drum in this section; if it is a pieceof vocal music, there are no lyrics with it.The asthayee is the first part of the main melodies in the raga. It consists oftwo music phrases, and is the most important part that shows the raga’s mainmusical ideas. In vocal music, this part always comes with lyrics. Antra, whichoriginally meant “the rhyme of the poem,” it can also be translated as “stanza'.The length and times of improvisations mainly depend on the feelings of theperformers.AlankarAlankars are different sets of the swar thatwill enable you to practice and familiarize yourself with the different sounds.You should practice these till you can play them correctly without looking atthe keyboard.

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While you practice how to play, please sing-along too so that youcan improve your voice and can learn how to sing more in tune.Alankaars are extremely useful for practice and are a great way of gettingfamiliar with your keyboard or harmonium. In this website there are someAlankars for practice; try to play them continuously for an extended period oftime; its extremely important that your fingers move smoothly on the keyboardbecause when you are playing a metered melody, an extra second's hesitation isenough to send you out of synchronization with the taal or rhythm. Keyboard in Desi StyleID-3366Sargam LessonsID-4466Keyboard in Western StyleID-5566Raga Sangeet Is Winner Of NisarBazmiAward At Arts CouncilLearn Keyboard Harmoniumin 30 days with notations and with diagrams of Harmonium keys.This website is providingharmonium lessons sargam lessons and providing harmonium ebooks andbooks online. Sargam lessons are provided with exercises and alaap andakaar is defined. Customize Yamaha tabla styles and Pakistani karaokemusic is also available for online sale. Do not waste your time creatingand quantizing all Yamaha PSR Tabla Styles elements; instead, focus onyour musical performance by using ragasangeet diverse ready-madehigh quality Yamaha PSR Styles.

Harmonium is amazing Indian music instrument in which you can play this harmonium again and again.Features-Amazing Harmonium with Realistic sound.-Play, Record & Save your creativity.-You have access to all the octaves.-Very easy to use this Harmonium.-This App is fully tested on Android Phones & Tablets. How to play Harmonium on PCDownload and Install Nox App Player Android Emulator. Click here to download: Download(FREE)Run Nox App Player Android Emulator and login Google Play StoreOpen Google Play Store and search Harmonium DownloadInstall Harmonium and start itWell done!

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