Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Nalionale GOLEMAN, DANIEL Inteligenla emolionalli / Daniel Goleman trad.: Irina-Margareta Nistor Bucuregti: Curtea eche Publishing, 2001 424p.;20 cm (CXgi cheie;28) ISBN 973-8120-57-5 L Nistor, Irina-Margareta (trad.) r59.9M Coperta colecliei de DAN PERJOVSCHI Coperta de DAN STANCru DANIELGOLEMAN EMOT ON AL INT ELLIGEN CE Why t can matter more han IQ Copyright @ 1995 by Daniel Goleman Published by arrangements with Bantam Books @ Curtea Veche Publishing,200L, pentru prezenta versiune in limbglromAnd.
Both are level capped at 50. All three are skilled warrior women and possible followers, but Aela’s level cap is 50, while the others max out at 25.Between Vilkas’ tear-streaked emo eyeliner and Farkas’ dumb-yet-endearing-jockishness, the Brothers Werewolf are popular a two-handed trainer, follower, spouse and steward. Is a heavy armor trainer, follower and spouse. Skyrim best female followers names.
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