. Pada 25 Julai 1946 Jawatankuasa Eksekutif ditubuhkan. Dianggotai pegawai kanan British, wakil raja2 Melayu & wakil UMNO. Perbincangan rasmi diadakan beberapa kali di King’s House, Kuala Lumpur. Beberapa tuntutan dikemukakan, antaranya;. Raja-raja Melayu & orang Melayu menolak semua prinsip & struktur Malayan Union. Mereka mahukan sebuah bentuk persekutuan bagi seluruh Semenanjung Tanah Melayu.
Mereka menolak kerakyatan jus soli. Mereka mahu taraf negeri naungan bagi negeri Melayu dipulihkan semula. Mendesak raja-raja Melayu menjadi ketua negeri-negeri Melayu. Independence and Tunku Abdul Rahman are inseparable — so much so that each time a Malaysian hears the word “merdeka’, an image of our first Premier reading the Proclamation of Independence will invariably come to mind.
Perlembagaan PTM (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu)1948, Rundingan Kemerdekaan & Suruhanjaya REID. 1.Dilahirkan di Persekutuan dan menetap selama 8 bulan dari tempoh 12 tahun atau menetap selama 15 tahun daripada 20 tahun sebelum permohonan itu dibuat. 15 ogos 1957 - Majlis perundangan Persekutuan telah meluluskan perlembangaan Tanah Melayu.
Indeed for many Malaysians, the Independence Movement started with the birth of the Alliance coalition he led — which was initiated by an Umno-MCA pact in the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Elections in 1952, extended in 1955 when the MIC joined and cemented in the same year when they won a landslide victory in the first peninsula-wide elections for the Federal Legislative Council. The creation of the FMA began in July 1946 with the setting up of a Working Committee (WC) to propose a new constitutional framework to replace the MU. The membership of this WC represented the officially recognized political authorities of the day — the British, the Malay Rulers and Umno. Thus, unlike the MU that was unilaterally imposed upon the Malay Rulers by the British, the FMA was a joint Anglo-Malay design. Additionally, using the pre-war Johor Constitution as a template, they also drafted a modal State Constitution.
In drafting their constitutional proposals, the WC had to follow certain basic principles: (i) that there should be a strong central government, (ii) that the individuality of each Malay State and Settlement should be clearly expressed and maintained, (iii) that the arrangement should offer the means towards ultimate self-government, (iv) that a common form of citizenship should be introduced for all those who regard Malaya as their real home and objects of their loyalty and (v) that the Malays occupy a special position. During the WC’s discussions, three contenders emerged for the title of the proposed federation: Malayan Federation, Malayan Federal Union and the Federation of Malaya (FOM). Lets light this candle. According to legal scholar RH Hickling, the Malayan Federation was rejected because the word ‘Malayan’ meant people who were associated with Malaya but did not include Malays while the Malayan Federal Union was rejected because it did not put enough emphasis on the sovereignty of each state.
Additionally both could not be adequately translated into Malay. Perjanjian Persekutuan telah digubal oleh Sidang Pleno Inggeris-Melayu sejak antara Jun-Disember 1946. Di akhir mesyuaratnya Sidang Pleno telah menghasilkan apa yang dikenali sebagai Blue Book setebal 100 muka surat. Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu telah ditandatangani pada 21 Januari 1948 di King House dan diumumkan oleh kerajaan British.
Perjanjian ini ditandatangani oleh Raja-Raja Melayu, dan Sir Edward Gent, sebagai wakil Kerajaan British. Perjanjian ini adalah sebagai persediaan ke arah penubuhan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu pada 1 Februari 1948. Perjanjian ini penting kerana ia memansuhkan Malayan Union dan menyatukan negeri-negeri Melayu dalam sebuah Persekutuan untuk pertama kali. Kedudukan Raja-Raja Melayu juga telah dikembalikan. Antara 1946 - 1948, 11 negeri ini membentuk tanah jajahan British yang dipanggil Malayan Union. Disebabkan bantahan orang Melayu yang dipimpin oleh Dato Onn Jaafar, Malayan Union dibubarkan dan digantikan dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, yang mengembalikan kedudukan simbolik raja-raja Melayu.
Malayan Union dibubarkan secara rasmi pada 21 Januari 1948.
Contents.History From 1946 to 1948, the eleven states formed a single British known as the. Due to opposition from nationalists, the Union was disbanded and replaced by the Federation of Malaya, which restored the symbolic positions of the rulers of the Malay states.Within the Federation, while the Malay states were of the United Kingdom, Penang and Malacca remained British colonial territories. Like the Malayan Union before it, the Federation did not include Singapore, despite its traditional connections with.The Federation achieved independence within the on 31 August 1957.
In 1963, the Federation was reconstituted as 'Malaysia' when it federated with the British territories of, and; a claim to the latter territory was maintained by the. Singapore separated from Malaysia to become an independent republic on 9 August 1965.The was formulated by the between June and December 1946.
At the end of the meeting, the Pleno Conference produced a 100-page 'Blue Book.' The Federation of Malaya Agreement was signed on 21 January 1948 at by the Malay rulers, and by Sir as the representative of the British government.
The Agreement superseded the Agreement creating the Malayan Union, and prepared for the establishment of the Federation of Malaya on 1 February 1948. The position of the Malay rulers was also restored.List of member states.System of government The government of the Federation of Malaya was headed by a with executive powers, assisted and advised by the and the. The Federation of Malaya Executive Council comprised 7 official and 7 unofficial members. The Federation of Malaya Legislative Council comprised the High Commissioner as the Council President, 14 official and 50 unofficial members representing the Straits Settlements, business groups and all races. Additionally, 9 State Council Yang Di Pertua (heads of state), and 2 representatives from the became unofficial members.
The would advise the High Commissioner on immigration issues. The British Resident was replaced with a Chief Minister in each state of the federation.Conditions of citizenship The conditions of citizenship of the Federation of Malaya were further tightened using law enforcement and naturalisation by application.
Dato' Mentri Besar of Johor, and President of the, unpacking the State and Federation of Malaya Agreements with Dr. Linehan, C.M.G. Adviser on Constitutional Affairs, for the signatures of His Highness the Sultan of Johor, 1948.The held its first meeting in the, in 1948. It was opened by the Sir.
Attendees included the British,. From the original on 8 October 2015. Retrieved 21 August 2015.
^ See: Cabinet Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies. 21 February 1956. The UK Statute Law Database:. (PDF).
United Nations Treaty Collection. United Nations. Archived from (pdf) on 14 May 2011.
Retrieved 2010-07-29. Burgess, Michael; Pinder, John (2007). From the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 21 August 2015. (PDF). (PDF) from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 23 July 2013.
(PDF). (PDF) from the original on 29 October 2013. Retrieved 23 July 2013.
See: the and the. Hale, Christopher (2013). History Press.
From the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 21 August 2015. ^ See: The UK Statute Law Database: Formation of the and of the 16 January 2014 at the into a new independent Federation of States under. Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu Diumumkan.
Annual Report on the Federation of Malaya: 1951 in C.C. Chin and Karl Hack, Dialogues with Chin Peng pp. 380, 81.External links.